Behind every image there's a camera... 
Behind every camera there's a cameraman... 
Behind every cameraman... 
There's a whole team of talented individuals working tirelessly to ensure that the image is captured under the best possible conditions.
To all the amazing professionals involved in the production, directing, editing, fixing, assisting, researching, driving, and more - thank you for trusting me thus far. 
My footage is a shared accomplishment.
Gavin Thurston
Gavin Thurston
Frank Irlenborn
Frank Irlenborn
Laurent Bouit
Laurent Bouit
Julie Brunel
Julie Brunel
Nicolas Ducatel
Nicolas Ducatel
Adrien Bouchet
Adrien Bouchet
Roger Van Zaal
Roger Van Zaal
Sébastien Zibi
Sébastien Zibi
Lilou Lemaire
Lilou Lemaire
Steve Barnes
Steve Barnes
Laurent Lichtenstein
Laurent Lichtenstein
Michael Marie
Michael Marie
Gaetan Le Fur
Gaetan Le Fur
Sébastien Vardis
Sébastien Vardis
Joffrey Causin
Joffrey Causin
Sebastien Ballut
Sebastien Ballut
Mathieu Deranlot & Clara Anton
Mathieu Deranlot & Clara Anton
Franck Septier
Franck Septier
Herve Freiburger
Herve Freiburger

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